Ally Digital Media $1000 Scholarship

So you have Amazing Creative skills? And you are seeking scholarship to aid your university education? Show your talent & win a scholarship of $1000 from Ally Digital Media.
Started in 2013, Ally Digital Media have helped over 1200+ startup business to grow their business online and is one of the top seo company in Mumbai and India who strongly follows the mission of Digital India laid down by Shri. Narendra Modi and provides cost-effective branding solutions for startups in India.
Later in 2014, Bee Online structured Ally Digital Media as a brand with 3 directors. We have a team of Industry experienced professionals who have helped us grow far. Our digital professionals are Google certified.
How to enter the scholarship competition
1. Visit our website and familiarize yourself with our seo services, especially the SEO Section.
2. Write a well-informed, inspiration piece on "Why SEO is a very crucial channel of Digital Marketing in 2020".
3. Remember we are looking for a Di Caprio in art and a Stephen king in writers… what do they have in common? Creativity and uniqueness. The piece must be original and one of a kind.
4. You must submit the article before the 30th of September 2020; anyone who submits an entry after this date will be automatically disqualified.
Send your entries to scholarship[at]allydigitalmedia[dot]com clearly indicating on the subject the title "Scholarship Competition"
The Eligibility of the Scholarship is as follows
1. Clearly indicate on your submission the following details.
- Name.
- Age.
- The University which you are currently attending.
- What program or course you are enrolled in.
- The financial need you have.
- Phone number and email address.
- Residency.
- Which year in university you are in.
2. All employees or relatives of employees of Ally Digital Media are disqualified from participating in this competition.
3. All works must be original or you risk disqualification.
4. The scholarship prize money is one thousand US dollars. The participant must therefore clearly outline what this money will be used for.
5. The scholarship amount is non-transferable to anyone other than the current participant.
The website Administrator may use your personal information only for the purpose of awarding the scholarship to the winner, offering the Scholarship and any reporting responsibility to taxing authorities and your participation in our Scholarship constitutes your consent on the matter.
2019 Scholarship Winner

- Karan Rawal
- Mumbai University
- Award $500
- September 12, 2019
We’re happy to announce Karan Rawal from the Mumbai University as the winner of the 2019 $500 scholarship program by Ally Digital Media.